Saturday, October 7, 2017, 1:00-2:15 2017 Litquake Festival Panel: The Art of the YA Novel Join Malena Watrous, Tim Floreen, Kathrine LaFleur, and Annemarie O'Brien, and me as we discuss our craft, process, tips, and tricks. Audience Q&A to follow. American Bookbinders Museum 355 Clementina St. San Francisco, CA 94107 Tuesday, October 10, 2017, 7:00 pm Left Margin Lit Public Reading Come join the teachers of Left Margin Lit for a reading and a birthday celebration as LMT turns one! I'll be reading, and we will all be celebrating. Books Inc. 1491 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA 94709 Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017, 12:40-1:35 SCBWI Regional Oktoberfest: Ripping Off the Bandaid: What We Wish We Knew Join Katrina Goldsaito and me as we talk about the highs and lows of publishing, and what we wish people had told us as we began our journey. Preservation Park 660 13th Street Oakland, CA 94612 Classes Let's Get Real: Writing for Teens (Class for teens and adults) Left Margin Lit Oct 15-Nov 5 Sundays, 10-12 For more information: Teens are tuned in to the world in way most adults are not. How can we, as adults, write about them—and more importantly to them—in a way that feels authentic?Whether you have a full manuscript or just the nugget of an idea, join authors Rachel Sarah and Alexandra Ballard for this workshop focused on honing an authentic voice that will captivate a young adult audience. We will talk about how to write believable characters, plot a story, and take pleasure in the revision process. We’ll even discuss how to find an agent! At the end of this class, you’ll leave with a community of writers, a new direction for your story, and tools that you’ll be able to apply to any piece of fiction writing.